Hi. I'm Caleb Jones.
The business and women advice I give is all field-tested, real-world, high-impact information that can radically change your life forever. I’m also a very busy, high-income guy with multiple companies and a very busy life, so my time is valued at a premium whether I like it or not. However, I realize that some people in my audience may not be able to afford hundreds of dollars to see me in person.
Lately, a few people have convinced me that, structured a certain way, I can actually do some seminars for a very inexpensive price so that pretty much anyone can attend.
So, I’m doing it.
In 2019, for the first time ever, I am visiting 18 different cities all over the world to do a 90 minute seminar for cheaper than I’ve ever done a public appearance in my entire life. Not only am I going all over the USA, but I’m also going to cities in Canada, Europe, and Australia as well.
The goal of this seminar is to help you improve both your woman life and financial life at the same time, and move closer to the lifestyle of the Alpha Male 2.0 (or improve your existing Alpha 2.0 life if you’ve already got it).
I have purposely dropped the prices for this seminar and made sure to visit as many large cities as I can so we can get as large of an attendance as possible, even for guys who haven’t been able to see me before because I have either charged too much money or I was too far away. Unlike my past seminars, I want these seminars accessible to any man who needs this advice and information. And I know there are a lot of men who need this stuff.
The cheapest seminars I’ve ever done were around $600. Tickets for this seminar start at just $57 and there’s an easy way you can attend the seminar for 50% off that, which is just $28.50. Keep reading.
Why the hell am I doing this? This looks like a lot of work on my part!
Yup, it is. As always, I’ll be completely transparent with my intentions. Here’s why I’m doing this: I want as many attendees to these seminars as possible to be men who are new to my material. This world tour is just another marketing method for me. There’s no way this would be worth my time at a price point of $57, but if I knew much of the attendees in the room were new potential customers, then this is going to be very worthwhile for both the audience and myself.
Of course I want my regular readers to attend as well, and I’m including a lot of material specifically for you guys too. The more attendees, the better.
At the same time, I’m going to bribe you into bringing friends so they can get some exposure to my advice. If you bring a friend, both of your tickets are 50% off. The shopping cart system is already set up to apply an automatic discount of 50% to anyone who purchases two or more tickets at the same time. (You must purchase the tickets at the same time to get the discount.)
This is a great way to introduce your buddies or family members to Alpha Male 2.0 concepts. I get a lot of questions from you guys on how to explain the Alpha Male 2.0 lifestyle to the other men in your life. Now is your chance. Let ME explain this stuff to them.Here’s everything you’ll get at the seminar:
1. A one-hour speech from me that will be jam-packed with how-to information on to better your woman life and financial life so you can live the freedom of an Alpha Male 2.0. The speech will include:
- Specific techniques on how to structure your dating, relationships, business, and personal finances for maximum freedom.
- A detailed flow chart of my entire woman life and how you can emulate it and customize it for your own goals. Date multiple women all at once with no lying, no deception, and no drama.
- A detailed flow chart of Alpha 2.0 finances, including job income, business income, debt, taxes, investing, savings, family, and so on. Make $75,000 per year or more, location-independent, from anywhere in the world.
- My latest business and woman techniques, stuff I’ve learned and implemented just within the last 12 months that I know work, much of which is so new that I haven’t talked about them in any of my books.
2. A 30-45 minute Q&A session after the speech where I will open it up for questions from the audience. I'll answer all the questions you guys have.
3. Special discounts on all of my books and upcoming video courses that no one else receives.
4. A huge discount for attendees if they choose to sign up for the SMIC program (my members-only coaching and podcast program) at the seminar.
5. The opportunity to purchase a special toolkit of books written for this seminar that will not be available to purchase anywhere else. This includes a limited copy of my
Life Manual. I’ve mentioned this in the past. This is a master repository of all the notes I’ve taken from hundreds of books, seminars, and audio programs I’ve consumed over the last 20 years. We’ve taken pieces out of the Life Manual that apply directly to Alpha Male 2.0 success, formatted it for easy reading, proofread it, and I will be selling this treasure trove of success techniques at these seminars and no where else.
It’s going to be all kinds of awesome.
Get your tickets right here: